So you kind of have a foot fetish. What Now?

“…with 35 joints, 28 bones, 20 muscles and 7,000 nerve endings held together by 120 ligaments, the human foot is always a good candidate for a massage…“ Its summer, you’re walking the strip with the guys, when all of a sudden elbows start jabbing and throats start getting cleared…a row of total babes dead ahead. […]

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Open To Interpretation- Illegal Immigration

Like much of the English language, use of the word “Open” has expanded slightly over the centuries.With a root Etymology going as far back as old Proto-Germanic (Upana), Old Saxon (Opan), and even Old Norse (Opinn), it’s commonly used in both noun and adjective form to describe physical spaces, e.g: “not closed, raised up, unobstructed, unencumbered”,……”public”.

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